I David Jensen have particularly had an interest in the fury little mammal friends we call pets. Not a single day goes by that my beloved cat, Mittens wakes me up with a smile on my face and my dog, Charlie who likes to snuggle in bed gazes into my eyes with a smile when i wake. I am choosing to write about my cat and dog because no matter the difference, they still bring happiness to my heart. This paper is going to provide information on the difference between my cat and dog.
Diagram url : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi12EDMjccPxWP2d0KetAdc9w-CNFzl2pfTcjIV6dgFQXUFffQdmUG1qRnVG-ZA-4rhs9fqlVKIb8nh-AFmqW-njcnbi91LZU0zyx6s4-JLnufolgHY8r9TFNPYKZhK-QVZCz6LqTlVw-lj/s1600/Dog+and+Cat+Venn+Diagram.png
I Commented on :
Spencer May
This will be a fun topic, as both of these animals live in our home, as well. My husband is more of the dog person while I love cats. My biggest pointer for you as you progress with the actual essay is to be sure you include strong pieces of evidence and keep your personal story at bay, as you are utilizing strong, formal voice the entire time. Otherwise, can't wait to read your piece.